Tens of thousands of people take the online qualification exam for Jeopardy! every year, and only 0.4% of these hopefuls will appear on the show. But nine-time champion and fan-favorite Buzzy Cohen '07CC maintains that he was never actually the smartest contestant in the bunch - he just “trained smarter" than his competitors with his quirky strategies and obsessive techniques. Once he realized how much could be accomplished with great preparation, he became a prep fanatic - testing his theories on everything from deadlifting to tap dancing.
In his new audiobook, Buzzy draws on his own experience as well as interviews with other top performers - from musicians and federal prosecutors to glassblowers and competitive coffee brewers - to teach listeners how the unique preparation method he developed can help them train for high-pressure performance situations in their own lives: interviews, exams, professional presentations, speeches, physical challenges, and more.
Join Buzzy in conversation with Columbia SoCal Executive Vice President, Courtney Wilkins '07CC, to hear about some of Buzzy's unique techniques as well as his Columbia student origins.