This event will take place at 3:30pm PDT/6:30pm EDT. Not in PDT or EDT? Check your time zone.
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A conversation with Michael A. Nutter, David N. Dinkins Professor of Professional Practice in Urban and Public Affairs, SIPA, Former Mayor of the City of Philadelphia
Host: A’Lelia Bundles, AB Harvard, ’76JRN, Columbia University Trustee and Vice Chair
"Black AND Blue Lives Matter, To Everyone."
Four years ago, when Prof. Nutter pleaded for action with those words in response to the protests for the Black men killed by the Police and the subsequent revenge killing of 5 Dallas Police officers, he had just finished his successful eight-year tenure as the ninety-eighth mayor of his hometown of Philadelphia. Under his watch, homicides were at an almost fifty-year low and Philadelphia’s population grew every year, including the largest percentage of millennial population growth in the nation.
But Nutter had the premonition that America was "experiencing trauma, despair and social disengagement in many communities, whether because of the effects of violence, a broken criminal justice system, deteriorating racial/social relationships and a fraying of the fragile fragments of relationships that determine “chaos or community”, and that the lasting change requires long-term commitment and collaboration across organizations from municipal to federal jurisdictions. Since then, in the absence of coherent guidance from the federal side, the role of municipal leaders has become even more critical.
A’Lelia Bundles, author and former network news executive will host Prof. Nutter and discuss his mayoral tenure and approach to leadership. Nutter's anecdotes and insights will surely inspire anyone curious about how to promote Law and Order bottom-up, and with the will to positively change the lives of the people with a mindful leadership.
Among the topics will be the Cities United initiative Mayor Nutter and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu launched in affiliation with the National League of Cities, aimed at creating partnerships between cities, non-profits, and other stakeholders to combat violence and crime among African-American men and boys. Mayor Nutter also served on President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Advisory Council. As President of the United States Conference of Mayors, Mayor Nutter represented the Conference by strengthening federal-city relationships and promoting the development of effective national urban policy. In June 2015, Mayor Nutter completed his year of service as President of the Pennsylvania Municipal League, which brought together municipal government officials from across the Commonwealth to advance policy initiatives state-wide.