This event will take place virtually at 4:30pm PDT/6:30pm CDT. Not in PDT or CDT? Check your time zone.
Join Dr. Chris Stacey and the Columbia Club of Chicago for the second presentation in a series on the history of Chicago’s Police Department. This presentation first examines why and how the Chicago Police Department gained an exceptionally bad reputation from 1855 to 1880. We'll discuss Policing the Great Fire of 1871, Police Abuse and Anti-Police Journalism, the Creation of a "Law and Order" ideology among Chicago's elites, and the Problems the CPD encountered during the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. Then we'll analyze why the creation of a technological innovation, The Alarm and Telegraph system, transformed the CPD in 1880 and examine why the 1885 Chicago West Division Railroad Strike, the 1886 McCormick Strike, and the 1886 Haymarket bombing and ensuing "Red Scare" led to a shift in public perception of Chicago's police department.