Join us for a private tour of the RAND Corporation world headquarters and enjoy the stunning architecture and magnificent art!
The event will begin at 6pm with a brief introduction and overview of the RAND Corporation, followed by a tour of the building and grounds.
Please allow time to park and check in at the Columbia welcome table, located in front of the entrance to the building, before finding a seat! We will be at the welcome table and ready to greet you at 5:30pm!
Please register for this event no later than Sunday, May 10 and include the name of your guest so that we can comply with RAND Corporation requirements. Only those whose name has been registered by May 10 will be admitted inside the building.
Cost: $5 per person
Attendance is limited to 25 participants and this event fills quickly!
Parking is available onsite.
Private Tour of the Art and Architecture at the Rand Corporation Campus
Sorry, this event is sold out.