After our regular Board Meeting, we will offer a Columbia BBQ lunch at a private residence in Eastside Costa Mesa. Bring the family, or just yourself, and have fun! Meet the Columbia SoCal Board of Directors and many other Columbians living in Orange County and Los Angeles. Network, eat, and party with other local Columbians.
Pre-meeting Coffee: 9:15am – 10:00a
Board Meeting: 10:00a – 11:45a
BBQ Party: 11:45a – 2:30p
We will provide some standard American BBQ food & beverages, including quality adult beverages, along with some fun & games. Bring your bathing suit & towel for the hot tub, and your skill for the axe-throwing range, darts, and bocce. The Board meeting is free, and the BBQ has a nominal $13 charge per person to defray costs (children under age 12 are free).
The Board Meeting and BBQ are two separate events. All Board Members will attend both. Other alumni can come to just the BBQ (although you are encouraged to visit the Board meeting if interested in alumni & club leadership). To register, please click below. Directions & further details will be sent no later than August 10th.
With your participation, we look forward to continue expanding Columbia SoCal’s presence in Orange County!
For more information:
Anthony Agoni, SEAS ’84, GSB ’89
Treasurer/Director – Columbia SoCal
Founder – Orange County Chapter of Columbia SoCal
Co-President – Columbia Business School Club of Orange County
[email protected]