Welcome to the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc. - Columbia SoCal Board Meeting & Breakfast


Columbia SoCal Board Meeting & Breakfast

All Columbia alumni are welcome to attend and participate at Columbia-SoCal board meetings. Come meet alumni leaders & club members while helping to make our club stronger.

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Columbia SoCal
Board Meeting

SUNDAY, December 8, 2013
9:00 am - 11:00 am

9:00 Schmoozing & Noshing
 9:30 Business meeting
Please arrive no later than 9:15am!

All Columbia alumni are welcome
RSVP is required for attendance

11410 Canton Drive
Studio City, CA 91604


Bagels & accessories, coffee & juice will be served.
Come socialize, network, and participate in managing
Columbia University's presence in Southern California

Click here to register

© Copyright Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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