Your alumni organization, The Columbia University Alumni Association of Southern California, also known as Columbia SoCal, invites and encourages all members to vote on the following slate of board members and board officers, approve the bylaws and complete a short survey. Please support your club and these committed volunteers by voting and giving your feedback.
vote now online by clicking here
In addition, the ballots have been sent under seperate cover through the US mail so feel free to respond via that ballot or through this online ballot, but not both. Whichever way you choose to vote, trust that all responses are tallied by an outside party and held in strict confidence. If you are a current member and have not received your ballot and do not wish to vote online, please contact Gabriela Sanchez: (714) 453-9729 or by email: [email protected].
If you would like to participate in our voting and are not a current member, please join now and you can request your ballot by contacting Gabriela at the email listed above or vote online.
Yes, I want my vote to count