Catch a dose of Spring Fever with Ivy Plus:
- New Event: SKY BAR, April 22nd - - New Event: (Just an FYI for LA because we know you are all such jet-setters) - San Francisco: Apartment 24 - March Photos from S E V E N -
Tuesday April 22, 2008 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Sky Bar - The Mondrian Hotel 8440 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood, 90069
Advance RSVP Required $13/ person through 4.18.08, $15 thereafter Spring Fever at Sky Bar Young Alum Party
Feeling a dash of Spring Fever? Come frolic with your favorite alumni friends at Sky Bar. We'll have the upper cabana all to ourselves, making this a classic Sunset night to remember.
Skybar, with its open air, ivy-covered pavilion perched above the Pool and Outdoor Living Room, has been one of Los Angeles' hottest nightspots from the day it opened. With its simple tin roof, rustic log beams and "schoolhouse" style wood furniture, it appears to almost float in the clouds, and boasts some of the finest views in all of Los Angeles.
With such a fantastic venue, this is sure to be one of our best parties yet. Make sure to sign up early so you don't miss any of the fun.
Advance RSVP Required: $12/ person through 4.18.08, $15 thereafter through close of registration (no walk-ins).
Sky Bar has a very strict door policy. Their security will not let you in if you are not on our list. Once you RSVP, you will receive confirmation from PayPal via email, but no actual physical ticket. You will automatically be placed on our guest list and the Sky Bar security will have that list. Your guests will use your name to get in (as your +1, etc.). We do not need their names.
++++++++ San Francisco Launch Party
Thursday, May 1st 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Apartment 24 440 Broadway St. San Francisco, 94133
$8 per person until April 28th, $10 thereafter. Join TIPS for cocktails and desert in celebration of the launch of our brand new San Francisco chapter!
TIPS has been filling the nights of Los Angeles with laughs and cocktailing Ivy Leaguers (and Ivy Plus-ers) since 2006. With half of the TIPS founding team moving to San Francisco, we decided it was time to take the laughing nights north. Stop-by our website to see snapshots of some of the fun we've had along the way and make sure to be a part of the sparkling nights ahead in the Bay! (http://www.ivyplussociety.org/).
Apt 24 in the heart of North Beach feels like the retro-chic rock star's apartment you've always wanted. Think of classic age rock star David Bowie's over the top apartment in the 1960s. With mod lighting over the zebra wood bar, wild metallic wallpaper and a back bar view of San Francisco that changes lighting from dawn to dusk, Apt 24 is the perfect setting for a laughing-cocktailing-connecting night with your fellow young alums.
Advance RSVP Required: Please click here. Once you register, you will be added to the event guest list at the door. No physical ticket will be sent to you (although PayPal will email you a receipt for your records).
Advance Registration will be open through 10 AM May 1st. After that, limited admission will be available at the door on a first-come-first served basis depending on capacity. Once we near capacity, admission will be guest-list only. ++++++++
Recent Events March Mixer 03.27.2008 | SEVEN -- For our March young alum mixer, we were off to WeHo to fill our night with as many of the 7 deadly sins as we could at the nightspot du jour:
S E V E N. Luxuria (extravagance/lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride) – we collected 'em all. Entering, S e v e n you pass through a narrow corridor lined with river rock and into a design sanctuary of raw woods, candlelit lighting and stone accents. This revitalized former Belly spot was the perfect place to lounge on the leather benches, linger in the sunken booths, dance a bit in the main room, or flutter outside on one of the two patios.
Ho-Hum Details *You and your guests must be 21 to attend & plan to drink responsibly. Designate a driver & no drinking and driving. DUIs and death are no way to kick off the spring party season. When we say 'killer party' – that's not meant to be an instruction.
*No refunds or cancellations permitted