Welcome to the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc. - CUE serves up a slice of New York in LA

CUE serves up a slice of New York in LA


Join your fellow Columbia alums for some New York style pizza and brew at the Columbia University Entertainment Network (CUE) end of summer party. Hersch Faber, SoA ’00, is generously hosting at his home in Studio City.

The who, what, when, and where:

Date:   Saturday, September 8th

Time:  7:00 PM CUE cocktails and brainstorming
               session. We’re setting aside the first
               hour of the party to discuss how to help
               grow our alumni in entertainment

               8:00 PM Party!

Location:       The address will be sent to you by email after your RSVP is received - a  
                            week before the party.

With support from the Columbia University Alumni Association of Southern California (CUAASC), the event will be free of charge. RSVPs, however, are required.

Online Registration is closed for this event.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Scott Foster at 310-749-2189.

Going forward, CUE will be operating as a committee within the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, the official Columbia University alumni organization of Southern California. We anticipate that working within CUAASC will allow us to broaden our reach and better promote and develop our events. This allows easier networking across school lines, since alumni of various Columbia schools (College, Arts, General Studies, Law, Business, even Engineering, etc.) all work in the Entertainment industry in Southern California.

For additional information or enquiries about CUE events, please contact Scott Foster, CUE Events Committee Chair, at [email protected].

CUE Needs You! We plan to set aside a little time at our September gathering to talk about how we plan to grow CUE into a truly valuable and sustainable alumni network. We anticipate needing editors and writers for our e-content, help with the website, a historian/photographer and more... Think you might be interested in helping out? Please check out the full list of volunteer roles with descriptions at the party.

CUE Organizational Committee: Ricardo Acuña, NaRhee Ahn, John Akin, Baxter Churchville, Scott Foster, Edward McGinty, Mary Prendergast, Jaxon Ronin.

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