Welcome to the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc. - Monthly Board Meeting & Reception

Monthly Board Meeting & Reception
written by AnthonyAgoni, 2/16/07 3:34pm
edited by AnthonyAgoni, 3/27/07 3:28pm

Network with the Board & Officers during the reception, and then roll up your sleeves to support the club during the business meeting

CUAASC Monthly Board Meeting 
We will be discussing the following topics:
*  Our club's Scholarship awards
*  Our future status as tax-exempt non-profit corporation
*  Events!!!
*  Special Interest Groups (Young Alumni, Biomedical, Real Estate, Business School)
*  Re-Branding of Club
10:00am    Breakfast reception and informal meeting - begins promptly!
10:30am  Formal business meeting begins
12:00pm  Meeting adjourns (time approx.)
Olympic Room
Sports Club L.A.
1835 Sepulveda Blvd (two blocks south of Santa Monica Blvd on west side)
Los Angeles, CA
(310) 473-1447
Valet parking is $3.50 for unlimited duration (good if you use the gym afterwards)
Self-parking is validated -- free for up to 3 hours.
Thank you for your support & efforts!

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