Board & Officers Meeting
written by AnthonyAgoni, 1/19/07 9:24pm edited by AnthonyAgoni, 1/23/07 12:47pm
This is the important first meeting of this club's newly-elected managers and directors. We will set the course for the year and decide major matters towards revitalizing this great club. Don't miss this meeting!
Many important changes and our vision for the future will be discussed & decided, so this is the one meeting you do not want to miss! All Board directors, officers, and members are invited.
Calendar: Sunday, February 4th 9:30am - Buffet breakfast (eggs, potatoes, bagels & cream cheese, coffee & tea, bread & jam). Plan on arriving even earlier! 10:00am - Meeting begins 11:30pm - Meeting ends
Location: The Sports Club L.A., "Olympic Room" banquet hall 1835 Sepulveda (on west side of street between Santa Monica & Olympic, just one block south of our old Merrill Lynch location!) Parking will be validated; valet parking available for $3.50 Free use of the club facilities afterwards, if desired (use valet parking, since self-parking validation is only good for 3 hours)