Welcome to the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc. - Housing, Credit Markets and the Economy with Christopher Mayer


Housing, Credit Markets and the Economy with Christopher Mayer
written by GSanchez, 11/10/08 6:19am
edited by AnthonyAgoni, 3/7/09 8:19pm

Join fellow Columbians for an evening of cocktails, hors d'ouevres, and plenty of intelligent discussion while world-renowned real estate and finance expert Christopher Mayer discusses pressing economic issues.

Columbia University Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc.

("Columbia SoCal")
cordially invites you to a special event with guest speaker

Senior Vice Dean and Paul Milstein Professor of Real Estate, Finance & Economics;
Research Director, Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate

Columbia Business School

FEBRUARY 26, 2009
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
6:30 - 7:30 Hosted Cocktails & Hors D'ouevres
7:30 - 8:30 Presentation

8:30 - 9:30 Q &A and more networking

at the Luxe Hotel on Sunset
11461 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049

Cost for this event:
Please RSVP by 2/23/09

Members (plus 1 guest): $35.00 per person
Graduate School Alumni (plus 1 guest):  $35.00 per person
Non-Members and Guests:  $40.00 per person

Late Registration:  $50.00 per person

(hosted valet parking is included with your admission)

Click here to RSVP 

“Housing has been at the core of our current economic crisis.  Even as house prices continue to fall and banks are facing growing losses, we must find policies to get out of the current crisis.  Professor Mayer will discuss how we got here and what to expect going forward.  He will address two specific proposals he has worked on to stem house price declines and reduce foreclosures and that he has testified on at the US Senate and House of Representatives.  He will also discuss how we can rebuild credit and mortgage markets in the coming years.”

Professor Mayer is Senior Vice Dean and Professor of Real Estate at the Columbia Business School. He is also Research Director of the Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate, Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Mayer serves on the Board of Editors of Real Estate Economics and Journal of Urban Economics and is a Fellow of the Homer Hoyt Institute. He also works as part-time research director and member of the Board of Directors of Oak Hill REIT Management, a REIT hedge fund. Dr. Mayer previously held positions at The Wharton School, the University of Michigan, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He holds a BA in Math and Economics from the University of Rochester and a PhD in Economics from MIT.


Professor Mayer’s research explores a variety of topics in real estate, including real estate cycles, capital markets, housing, public and private real estate values, and debt securitization. He has also written on the market for reverse mortgages, the link between local government activities and housing values, and the economics of airline congestion. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Government of Canada, and the Real Estate Research Institute, among others. He has authored many scholarly articles on these subjects and is frequently quoted in the national media, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, ABC (Nightly News, 20/20, Nightline), National Public Radio, CNN, and CBS TV. Professor Mayer frequently comments on real estate for Bloomberg Television and CNBC.

Questions regarding the program or registration? Contact Joshua Berman at [email protected] or (310) 918-8255.


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