Welcome to the Columbia Alumni Association of Southern California, Inc. - Poetry and Wine Salon

Poetry and Wine Salon

Poetry lovers of all stripes will gather for our seventeenth consecutive bi-annual meeting.


Next Meeting On September 30, 2007


On September 30, 2007, at 2:00pm, poetry lovers of all stripes will gather once again at the lovely penthouse of Shanna Rosen overlooking Santa Monica Bay -- for our seventeenth consecutive bi-annual meeting.  Though the group is diverse, they all have one thing in common: they all love poetry and their desire to share their favorites with fellow alums.  Some read their own work, while others read their old favorites as well as new discoveries.  A few simply choose to partake of the wine, cheese, and fruit buffet, and enjoy the casual but stimulating ambiance. Come join us; meet some old friends and make some new ones.

1045 Ocean Avenue, Penthouse, Santa Monica -- right across from the California incline, about one block north of Wilshire Blvd.  Enter the building and walk up two flights.  If the lobby door is locked (it is usually open), call (310)576-6025. 

All-day metered and unmetered parking is right in front at 25 cents for fifteen minutes; a public parking structure in on 2nd.street just south of Wilshire (first two hours are free); or valet park at the Fairmount Miramar Hotel on the next block.

$10.00 for members and their guests; and $12.00 for non-members.  (This is the first price increase since 1999, and is necessary to maintain the quality of the food and beverages served.)

RESERVATIONS: Do Not Register Online
.  Send a check (payable to CUAASC) to Ed Hakim, unit #108, 1032 N. Sweetzer Avenue, West Hollywood, CA 90069.  For more information, call Ed at (323)654-9304.  Attendance is limited to fifteen (15) people -- so don't wait to register.


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